In The Depths Of The Cities Forest...
Growing up in Pasadena, California, I’ve always been drawn to nature as a natural backdrop for my photography. During a picnic in Central Park, I set out to capture my friend’s whimsical personality through a series of portraits. Inspired by her vibrant energy, I aimed to create images that felt light, free, and full of life. Using color grading to achieve an iridescent quality, I sought to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere, bringing her unique essence to life in each frame.

In The Depths Of The Cities Forest...
Growing up in Pasadena, California, I’ve always been drawn to nature as a natural backdrop for my photography. During a picnic in Central Park, I set out to capture my friend’s whimsical personality through a series of portraits. Inspired by her vibrant energy, I aimed to create images that felt light, free, and full of life. Using color grading to achieve an iridescent quality, I sought to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere, bringing her unique essence to life in each frame.

In The Depths Of The Cities Forest...

Growing up in Pasadena, California, I’ve always been drawn to nature as a natural backdrop for my photography. During a picnic in Central Park, I set out to capture my friend’s whimsical personality through a series of portraits. Inspired by her vibrant energy, I aimed to create images that felt light, free, and full of life. Using color grading to achieve an iridescent quality, I sought to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere, bringing her unique essence to life in each frame.